• Duration

    1.5 hours

    How to Strengthen Your First Impression

    This is an NBHWC-approved course and is eligible for 1.5 CEs.

    The quality of the coach-client relationship is crucial to the success of your client’s behavior change. Therefore, a powerful initial session that builds trust, rapport, and connection is a vital first step.

    Are you feeling as if you’re in a coaching rut? Are your clients excited to meet with you for the first session, and then you don’t hear from them again? Or maybe they are not progressing, and you feel you’re working harder than your client. There’s only one chance to make a first impression. In this course, you will develop and strengthen your skills to establish rapport from your first open-ended question.


    What's included?

    1 Lecture

    1 Certification

    10 Multiple choice questions and a survey

    1 Video 

    1 PDF
    1 Article

    Course Lessons


    Katrina Watson

    Laura Demeri

    Your instructorS
    Katrina Watson is a National Board certified health and wellness coach, registered nurse, academic instructor, business owner and group facilitator. Katrina partners with individuals who desire to revise their health pathway that leads to a thriving, joyful life. She leads clients on a discovery of strengths and the wisdom of the body. 
    Her work focuses on growth mindset, wellness coach professional development, and type 2 diabetes prevention. She has mentored women in career transitions nationally and internationally.  

    Laura Demeri is an award-winning health educator and board-certified health and wellness coach. She brings passion and real-life examples of coaching sessions to the classroom. She teaches at several NBHWC-approved coaching programs and offers various mentoring options through the coaching moai platform.

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